Mistakes on your credit report can cause plummet you into the sub-prime, bad credit car loans category faster than a Concorde Super Sonic Jetliner. When a credit reporting agency reports errors however, it's often because their data is incomplete or even contains information about somebody else.
Bad credit auto loans from reporting mistake typically happen because:
- The person applied for credit under similar but different names (David Smith, Dave Smith, etc.).
- Somebody perhaps made a data-entry error when reading and entering information from a paper and pencil application.
- The borrower gave an inaccurate Social Security number, or perhaps the wrong number was entered by the lender.
- Auto loan or credit installment payments were inadvertently applied to the wrong account.
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Recommended Reading:
37 Days to Clean Credit is a "well-written and very effective course - one of the most popular self-help guides in the credit repair genre these days!"
- Bad Credit Auto Loans Blog